Words are good, so here is our history.

Hiring and time to get SAVAGE.

By Jeffrey M. Barber

There are moments in life where I realize my true nature in a primal encounter. It would seem that I’m an deeply angry man, but at what? Well, the list may not be enumerable… At the moment, I have been reviewing hundreds of resumes… I’m angry at the whole system.

Building a Flexible Type System

By Jeffrey M. Barber

When I started building Adama, I decided to simply focus on making maximal forward progress. With respect to the type system, this has been a beautiful mistake. I have my work cut out for me in improving the type system to make it better, but I’m happy where things are at the moment in terms of being useful. I have a very limited form of type inference in play, and I want to cover one non-trivial facet of it today: type unification.

Going Savage with a Hiring Philosophy

By Jeffrey M. Barber

The modern workplace simply sucks. Looking around this sick world, it may just be as reflection that our civilization just sucks and we should never have stopped hunting and gathering. I’m feeling the echoes from pg’s “You weren’t meant to have a boss” essay, and a paradox arises for me around hiring as being entrepreneur focused on freedom. My struggle is ultimately that I do not want to further my freedom at the expense of others, so I want deals to be fair. Yet, I’m also not willing to sacrifice my freedom for the freedom of others. Your freedom is your problem, not mine.

Designing a Usage/Limit system to avoid large bills

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Since this platform aims to be a next-gen new kind of all-in-one server-less thing, I want to avoid the criticism of “infinite cost” (and being shamed on Serverless horrors). I too believe that all vendors should provide a maximum usage cap, and I’m shocked it isn’t done in more places. Actually, I’m not shocked since the lack of usage caps maximizes shareholder value.

Aiming High, my path towards principal engineer

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I’m probably going to transition this blog into a personal blog and rethink the content strategy for this platform some day. However, I’m helping a handful of people grow as engineers with a few of my clients, and my #1 goal in life is helping other engineers grow into their best self.

Next Level Software Testing

By Jeffrey M. Barber

At the time of this writing, Adama has 6,344 unit tests for the platform. The dirty secret right now is that the RxHTML side of the house has zero tests because JavaScript is a garbage language and the browser is a dumpster fire. Now, ultimately, I want to have fantastic testing for RxHTML but also products that use Adama fully. There is a reason that many product engineers don’t write a lot of tests, but they are all bad reasons. However, I empathize with the challenge of protecting frontend assets, so I am going to do my thing and and invent a new way of doing testing.