Words are good, so here is our history.

Five Secrets of the Adama Programming Language

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Now, that I am committed to my path with this language; let’s talk about secrets. These are the things that I know which I believe could lead to a niche empire. I’ll share them directly along with insights about why I’m continuing with a language-centric approach. As a moment of clarity, this isn’t my best writing since I’m fumbling around with ideas. Perhaps, secrets today are just messy facts of tomorrow?

Embracing the impractical; committing to a novel programming language

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Here I am sitting on a super power (I think), and I already want to build version 2.0 without any manifested success. I’ve been stalled recently, and I don’t anticipate much progress until after I move back to the midwest. This project is not dead yet, but it is on life support.

Micro-monoliths and the future of infrastructure...

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I’ve got my silly opinions on this site, but generally my silly thoughts have a way of manifesting over time. In this post, I’m thinking about possible alignments of my thoughts with the broader industry. The key question is which of my ideas are worth going to production with the limited innovation tokens I would have if leveraged in a business.

Wrapping my head around DFINITY's Internet Computer

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I hope to ship a single simple game this year, so I will need some infrastructure to run the game. Alas, I’m at a crossroads.

JSON on the Brain

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Since I am tweaking the API, I am going to write some pre-docs here on my passion for JSON. I’m only using JSON because I’m lazy and don’t want to write yet another binary encoder for Java, JavaScript, and eventually Rust. I may at some point, but I’m kind of OK with JSON for now. The key thing I like about JSON is that you can treat it algebraically.

A manifesto of user interface architectures

By Jeffrey M. Barber

The chat demo scripts work with an implicit mental model using the browser, and this post aims to take that model out of my head and make it explicit. For lack of better words, this has turned into a manifesto for user interface.