Words are good, so here is our history.

How RxHTML works

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I had a great conversation with a friend at lunch about how RxHTML works since I’m pivoting towards a “concierge engineering company”. Today, I want to illustrate how the full stack web app side of Adama works.

How to write a design document

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I’m a big fan of writing (as you can tell from my blog of half-baked ideas) as I believe writing is an essential act to have good thinking. The written word is an arena to battle with ideas, so in this post I want to outline my philosophy of writing design documents. This is because I’m designing an intern program, and I will require interns that touch the Adama code base to write a design document. Thus, this document will serve as a cache for that program.

Hiring for a burn-out free organization

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I have been bingeing Suits. It’s a predictably dramatic show that’s just popcorn. However, it does make me yearn for the hard-core life. I miss working 12+ hour days getting shit done.

Back to flow, it's go time! Building a culture to minimize burn-out.

By Jeffrey M. Barber

I just got back from an epic RV trip across the southwest. The Grand Canyon is certainly grand! Previously, I was thinking about how I end my year from an engineering perspective. The trip helped me realize that I should be playing a more macro level game and focus on the business.

Going hard on low latency, massive scale, with multiple regions

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Recently, I optimized the CDN for a single region, and the task of going to multiple regions is non-trivial. I’ve thought about this in the past since the platform is a mess with respect to multiple regions. I thought about what massive scale would mean. The task at hand is to lower latency in a multi-region context at massive scale. Today, I write up the thoughts as a ramble. Don’t expect much.

Optimizing the CDN aspect

By Jeffrey M. Barber

Since my plan is to build a game with Phaser.js rather than build yet another game engine; I need a web server. Fortunately, Adama is a server-less web hosting platform (yay?). However, I haven’t invested much time beyond “it works”. I ended January by writing a CLI uploader which makes it easy to upload a website from command line. At this point, I could start migrating away my various web properties away from surge.sh. However, I immediately discovered that my unoptimized solution is … unoptimized. At core, the latency was an insane 330ms! In this post, I’m going to share the journey of fixing issues and optimizing the web requests so Adama behaves much better as a CDN.